Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Anton's Key

Orson Scott Card wrote an amazing trilogy of science fiction called Ender’s Game over 25 years ago. The three books of the trilogy are Ender’s Game, Speaker for the Dead, and Xenocide. Card subsequently wrote two more to bring the total to five – Children of the Mind and Ender in Exile. Then he wrote four more books covering the same period of time from the perspective of other characters. I’ve read the original trilogy multiple times and still find it fascinating, not just as a story, but with the combination of topics, philosophies, and modern relevance. If you’re looking for a great set of books, these are great ones to consider.

This post is about Anton’s Key though which comes from the Ender's Game books.. From Wikipedia: “Anton's Key is a fictional genetic modification to human DNA. Though named after its inventor, a scientist named Anton, it primarily afflicts Julian 'Bean' Delphiki; over the course of the novels.” The fictional genetic modification results in unstoppable growth in the brain and therefore incredible intelligence. The downside is the unstoppable growth of the body as well resulting giantism and eventually a significantly shorter life than an average person.

I wonder – do humans have something like an Anton’s Key within their DNA?

Consider this – some of the most amazing artists, thinkers, musicians, philosophers, scientists are absolutely brilliant in their endeavors, sometimes even ahead of their time, and still most of these people also had a significant counter to their skills. A lack of social grace, depression, and so on – something akin to the absent-minded professor who is so smart, but can’t find his glasses on a regular basis and forgets to eat. It doesn’t happen all the time, but why is this so common? Is there something in human genes that has this kind of affect?

There is alternative – perhaps there is so much natural energy and focus towards their chosen endeavor that is leaves very little energy, or time, or desire to fulfill or step into other sides of life.

Or maybe they’re both true.

Like many of my other posts, I have no idea of an answer, other than to postulate the question and wonder …

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