The West Wing was a prime time drama that aired from 1999-2006. It was the ongoing story of a Democratic President over two terms. I don't watch much television, but it's one of my favorite shows ever. I've watched the entire 7 seasons at least twice.
Whether or not the show captured what politics is really like or not, or whether that's what the actual West Wing of the White House is like has been debated in various articles. Regardless it's fascinating to watch.
A highlight of watching The West Wing for me was the pure purpose and dedication of the characters. I doubt most public servants are this dedicated to their job, and in general most people aren't this dedicated to their job. Still it's moving to me.
I believe it was the first season, the first year of a new Presidential term, there is a scene with Leo McGarry, the White House Chief of Staff, and his wife. His wife is divorcing him because he spends so much time working. I don't remember the exact dialogue, but what McGarry eventually says is "Yes, this is more important than my marriage." Referring to his position as Chief of Staff.
As a male, I can start to identify with this type of thinking and perhaps even have some agreement with what McGarry is saying. What's strikes me more than that is the dedication to his work, to the people he works with, to the country.
There is a part of me that truly admires that dedication, that stripped to the core, work at all hours, health-be-damned, full-on dedication and belief in what you're doing. It's in the real world as well, I see it there also and admire that just as much. In some ways I wish that was my way, that something motivated me that much. I also know the need for balance in one's life and the importance of taking care of yourself so you can be of service to others.
If I were as passionate about something as the characters are in The West Wing, I wonder what kind of choices I'd make about my life - could I keep a balance, could I keep a relationship, could I keep my health - or would I dive in with every ounce of strength and energy I have. I honestly don't know.
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