Those moments of pride are like compliments to ourselves. We’ve
doing something well and we congratulate ourselves! As we should, to
acknowledge what we’ve done. There’s another side of those compliments I want
to explore…
Several weeks ago I received an unexpected – and to me – quite
meaningful compliment. I was quite surprised and even delighted as it settled
in to me. Following that as it washed through was an even fuller wave of
humility. This wasn’t the first time that humility has come, but it was the
first time I had really noticed it. Reflecting back, it has happened almost
each time I receive a compliment for a while. In that same time period, I
remember also sharing some impressions and compliments to another friend and
realizing there was some similarity in her response.
There’s a way that a sincere compliment is like being met at
a more profound level, at being seen in a way we usually aren’t – especially if
we are able to receive it. That in itself evokes gratitude and openness for me.
The humility fills out the trio of wonder. It feels like such a profound
practice to welcome and meet each accolade with the humbleness of being human
and what’s there’s and what’s available.
And if that doesn’t work for you, you can always try on the
lyrics from Mac Davis – “it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every
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