That certainly provoked some thought in me. What books have stayed with me? I stretched my memory back to high school and couldn’t remember what I’d read. How could I find 10 books that have stayed with me that long if I can’t even remember what I read?
So maybe I don’t have to go back that far. What did I read in my 20s that have stayed with me? As I scanned my bookshelves, there is very little that goes back that far. I have a number of cook books, books on training for athletics, and a few others.
I even remember about 10 years ago doing a major purge of my books. Ones that I had read, but no longer held an interest for me. Most of the books on my bookshelf are ones from the last decade.
The only way for me to come close was to morph the question. What are the ten most influential books on my bookshelf now (including my iPad bookshelf :)?
As I started the process, I wrote down a few books. Then I came to authors and speakers. Authors whose compendium of work is brilliant. Speakers who rarely write. So it’s a mixed bag.
After browsing through my bookshelf, I had over twenty. I tried narrowing it down, but only a few exited the list. Looking over the list what I discovered is that every one of these books changed my world. Through reading them I had new insights. Through reading them I discovered a whole new world. Through reading them my ideas of the world shifted in a big way.
The result is the list of the books that have changed my world, mostly in the past decade. So here’s my list:
- Blackfoot Physics
- If the Buddha Dated
- David Whyte (author)
- Running the Spiritual Path
- Adyashanti (author)
- Yoga Beyond Belief
- Douglas Brooks (speaker)
- Ender’s Saga
- Let My People Go Surfing
- Alan Watts (author, speaker)
- The Tao of Pooh/The Te of Piglet
- Forgive for Good
- Effortless Mastery
- Healers on Healing
- Life in Motion or CranioSacral Biodynamics
- Jonathan Livingston Seagull
- The Hidden Messages in Water
- Quantum Healing, Molecules of Emotion, Energy Medicine, The Body Remembers
- Explorers of the Infinite
- Robert Fulghum (author)
- Bhagavad Gita
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