Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Power of Introverts

I recently saw a TEDx presentation called the Power of Introverts – here’s the video from it.

I’ll admit I’m much more of an introvert than an extravert. I enjoy being with people, solving problems together, making connections, sharing a run, laughing together. Still I appreciate the time I have to myself, to read, to write, to sit and listen, to watch the sunset. In this world of constant stimulation and connection, it seems that sometimes introverts get a little too much flack for being who they are.

One of the things I like about this talk is the Susan Cain, the presenter wants to celebrate introverts. She reminds us that in that space of being alone with the opportunity explore, great thoughts and insights can arise, as has happened over and over in the past. It will likely still take a group of people to get something done, but so much has started from those introverted moments.

While Cain gives introverts a reminder that their style is valued, she also makes a strong point for introverts to share themselves with the world, in some way or another. They have powerful ideas, arts, writing, and more. It does no good to have that sit in one place and not be shared.

One last piece I like that Cain shares is about the revolution/evolution of office workspaces. Many new buildings are being designed with the idea of community spaces, shared spaces – where people can bump into each other or meet and spawn new ideas. With that, there is also a trend towards fewer and fewer, even no private workspaces. My office was heading down this path – community spaces and shared working areas. I for one am glad it didn’t happen. I’m all for those community spaces – I’ve even seen the results as my office has those community workspaces (we call them scrum areas after Agile practices). Cain wants to remind us that the world has both introverts and extraoverts, and new office spaces should accommodate both.

Perhaps I can relate with what Cain says with this blog. Introversion suits me well with lots of cool ideas coming through (or at least I think they’re cool). I never know what to do with them. So I’ve started putting them here. Maybe someone will read them, maybe not, but at least they aren’t lost in time.

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