As I wrote the path for this piece, I thought of the shortcut word that’s often used in software developer for an exclamation point - bang.
Alive bang
In a recent conversation with a friend she offered the idea that what seemed vitally key to me was being and feeling alive. As she spoke I knew exactly what she was expressing about me. So let me explain …
It starts with the emotion or idea of happy or being happy. I read so many books and quotes that talk about the goal of life is to be happy. I hear so many people describe something similar, that they want to be happy. Now I don’t want to be unhappy or miserable or anything similar for long period of time, but I can’t remember ever saying that being happy was important to me. It’s not that I didn’t want to enjoy myself or experience happiness, but that has rarely been a goal. I don’t mean to say that happiness is not a worthy ideal or goal, but for me it’s not my thing.
Without the goal of being happy, I wasn’t entirely certain was I was seeking or hoping for, but it different from happiness, not more or less, just different. And still it’s been these even if I didn’t have words to express it. Alive is part of that. So is autotelic. And so is joy.
With joy I make a distinction from happiness. Happiness to me, as I’ve seen it is an experience or emotion that often arises because of something external. Perhaps it’s a person or an experience. Because of the external nature, often it can be fleeting; it comes and goes. It’s unlikely we will retain happiness with that kind of input, especially when so many other things happen in our life where we feel so many other things – pain, sadness, grief, ecstasy, anxiety, love. Most of these come and go as well.
But joy … in my experience of joy, joy is internal and spontaneous. It happens just because, for no specific reason. It bubbles up from nowhere and can last awhile or only a moment. For me it’s a delightful, energetic state of being that just happens – sometimes with a giggly kind of smile. I’ve also experience this kind of joy even in the midst of grief or frustration – it’s mixed in. It has an entirely different texture and quality from happy, one that satisfies and lights my body and soul in a more profound, deeper sense.
I’ve written about autotelic before - It’s about the idea of enjoying every as it is and the act of doing something is simply its own reward. For me that’s frequently the case. Of course I gravitate towards those things I tend to enjoy more, and still I enjoy what most would consider mundane such as washing dishes.
The idea of being alive or feeling alive encompasses so much for me. Joy is an aspect of it. Autotelic connects even deeper because it’s so prevalent. Alive goes even further – it’s about experiencing life fully, being in life completely as often as possible. Feeling each emotion as it happens. Appreciating sensations whether it’s smell, touch, taste, hearing, or seeing – or even intuition or other sense. It’s letting each moment be rich and simple and whole in itself. The moment might be a reflection on the past, or a hope for the future, a loving caress, or a new understanding of how to solve a problem at work, or a passionate kiss, or a keen insight into how two things relate, or how the keyboard feels as I type this. It doesn’t matter what it is – but being in life, of life, part of life – that’s thrilling beyond any happiness I can imagine or have experienced.
That’s life. That’s being and feeling alive. With a big bang!
How very well said indeed!
ReplyDeleteJoy comes from viscerally experiencing the aliveness within and without.
Thank you for writing/sharing this so eloquently Fierce Wolf.